Raise your hand if you saw Janet Jackson’s breast last night. Those of us who watched the Superbowl yesterday got a special treat: a view of Janet Jackson’s boob. Now I looked everywhere on the web for another peek of the diva’s breast. Nothing! The various news organizations reported the incident but all failed to show the now-infamous photo. But that was not going to stop me. If you seek, you will find, right? Found it! After reviewing the pictures all I can say is that I want to wear nipple shields just like Janet Jackson!
Here is a link to the photos of Janet Jackson’s breast along with a comprehensive list of links reporting the fallout, the apologies and of course the conspiracy theory that CBS knew all along. [Insert evil laugh].
Well, my chicken story pales in comparison to the Janet Jackson tit story. I guess now is as good as any to tell it. As you know I have been looking to purchase a farm. I was fortunate enough to have one of my callers who is a farmer sit down with me and explain farming. Oh, I learned so much! But the thing that floored me was the chicken thing.
Did you know that chickens drop eggs without a rooster? They just lay eggs without being fertilized! I had no idea. All this time I thought once everyone went to sleep the rooster would walk into the hen house and GET BUSY. Given the ratio of hens to roosters on any given farm, I thought roosters were fucking machines. I mean to get 50 or so hens to lay eggs every other day would require a fucking machine right? Wrong! Chickens don’t need roosters to lay eggs. Who knew?
So that’s my chicken story. And for all you guys who found this section of my phone sex thinking I like to get freaky with chickens. Uh…no. To speak to women who are into to that stuff call 1-866-327-6225.
Phone’s Ringing
Talk to you soon
Update 03.12.2014: The link to the photos no longer exists.