I am a bibliophile. I love books and spend a great deal of time deciding which books to purchase. So when my friends and I ventured into Borders (the one at Pentagon City) I sat down and carefully began going over my books. A little person walked over to me with a book and asked me to read it to her. Have I told you I do voice-overs for ch-ldren’s books? How can I refuse? Pretty soon there were a bunch of little people sitting around me listening to me reading this book aloud.
My friends were floored because I have sort of a reputation for being a bitch. Not just any bitch mind you be a cold-hearted ruthless so-and-so that would …How did Lady Macbeth say it?
William Shakespeare’s Macbeth Act 1 Scene 7
I have given suck, and know
How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.
Personally, I think that perhaps Lady Macbeth went over the deep end but her point is well taken: of the human-animal the female is far more ruthless. But that story is for another time.
I am wonderful with little people and the best “Aunt Cheryl” ever because at the end of the day I get to go to my home and they to theirs. That’s why I say men are like babies. You tease them and play with them but at the end of the day, they get to go back to their wives and girlfriends.
I believe that is why married men get hit on so much more than single guys. You see with a single guy there’s a large chance that he’s going to want to come home with you. A married guy knows that’s out of the question. So women prefer the married guy because for a few minutes – ok hours – you can be the perfect woman, bad girl, whatever the case may be knowing that in a little while he’s got to go home.
Cynical I know but honest.
There goes the phone again. Talk to you soon!
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