It seems that things have settled down a bit and everyone is becoming more comfortable with my new phone sex schedule.
While I consider my phone sex sessions as “practice” more than work. The Cheap Phone Sex Schedule is as follows: Monday through Saturday from 10 AM until 7 PM. I take off a little early on Saturdays to attend Mass and I am off all day Sunday.
Anyone who has worked for themselves will tell you that it is important to take regular breaks and I might add a day off. I am so much more relaxed, happier and a lot more creative. It is like Cheryl 2.0.
Talk to you soon.
There are only a few things that you need to remember when calling Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl. You must be at least 23, have a credit card or gift card in your name and have enough freedom to truly enjoy yourself once the phone sex session begins. For phone sex that is truly cheap, call 1-888-669-6389.