Last week a number of my regular phone sex callers informed me that my site could not be found on Yahoo or Bing. First I was shocked by the number of callers who do not use Google and instead prefer Yahoo. No biggie. As my oldest and dearest Cheap Phone Sex clients know years ago another phone sex competitor generated tens of thousands of obscene links referring to child porn and bestiality with a link to my site. Proving that a competitor CAN screw with your ranking and in the case of Yahoo (now affiliated with Bing search) your listing in the index. The result was I lost my placement in Google and was completely kicked out of whatever database Yahoo was using at the time (there have been many over the years). Google addressed the problem and within 2 or 3 months I was back in the index with my top 10 listing. I never got back into the Yahoo database until 18 or 24 months ago. I surmised that they finally – FINALLY – caught up with Google. Now I am not so sure.
I spent the weekend going over Bing search and enrolled in a webmaster account that confirmed my site which up until last month was listed in the top 10 was no longer listed in Bing’s index. Not listed. Not being crawled. Matter of fact if I didn’t know better there is this weird laugh playing in the background whenever I check to see if something has changed or (gasp) my sitemap is no longer pending.
I am sooooooo sick of this search engine shit. If I had a talking mirror, I would say, “Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the cheapest phone sex hottie?” It would ask,” In America?” To wit, I would reply, “America fuck yeah!”. There is only one answer. It’s me!
Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl is the cheapest phone sex company in America. For more than a decade I have provided the cheapest (and may I add best) phone sex in America. Fuck it …the world. There are no gimmicks. My phone sex billing is honest. How else could I have been in business this long? I am the cheapest motherfucker around. The title of my phone sex site aptly named Cheap Phone Sex isn’t some keyword trick for search engine placement. My phone sex prices ARE cheap. It’s 80 cents a minute. Try getting that off a dollar menu. At Cheap Phone Sex, the price of a phone sex call is 80 cents a minute with a 15-minimum. That’s ONLY $12 BUCKS.
So, forgive me for getting a little testy because I can’t find my fucking website under the term “cheap phone sex” in Bing or Yahoo or as I like to say NotGoogle.
I am not getting sucked in this search engine optimization crapola again. I am the cheapest. I have the oldest phone sex blog. I have been consistently on the internet longer than any other phone sex company. Go ahead check. I am a walking billboard of the very definition of phone sex.
Bookmark Cheap Phone Sex and Phone Sex FAQ because it’s on like Donkey Kong. The gloves are off. I am sick of this. I am reclaiming my rightful place which is on top of everyone else. What do I mean? Crawl it. Crawl Cheap Phone Sex. I’ll let my words do what it does for my phone sex clients – keep them informed, happy, satisfied and wet.
End of rant. So, I resubmitted the oldest phone sex URL in America CHEAP-PHONE-SEX.NET to Bing. I asked Bing to crawl Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl and to make it easier for Bing I gave them a copy of my phone sex site’s map. The rest is up to Bing because I have real work to do. There are men who need to cum and I only have some much time to help them make that necessity a reality.
That’s the phone.
Cheap Phone Sex can be found at (Updated December 31, 2015)
NotGoogle pervs (aka Yahoo/Bing bookmarkers) Call 1-888-669-6389.