I am going through a number of questions and comments regarding my service, Cheap Phone Sex, here is one from a caller which is timely considering the weather is changing which means changes to our bodies. If you have a question or comment about the site, me or the phone sex industry, ask via my feedback form. In the meantime here’s a question from D-.
Dear Cheryl,
My wife’s skin is like leather, especially during the winter months. I know your skin is soft and buttery. Do you have any advice on how I can get my wife’s skin as soft and supple like your own? – D
Well D-, thank you for the compliment. Yes, I do receive a number of favorable comments from both men and women regarding my appearance and my skin gets rave reviews. Most women will tell you that a good skin routine is something you start in your teenage years. You didn’t say anything else about your lover’s skin except for the apparent dryness so I am assuming that everything else is fine.
D-, this is a trick that has immediate results and if you do it right can be very sexy. What I am talking about here is a nice hot bath. Sexy, right? Surprise the woman in your life and draw her a steamy bath. You don’t need to do anything fancy. If you have kids or whatever, just giving her time to lay back and soak may be just what the doctor ordered. Oh, the dryness …add a half cup to a cup of salt. I prefer sea salt but I suppose kosher salt and regular table salt will do.
The salt hydrates the skin and when she exits the tub her skin will be so soft and creamy, she’ll ask what you put in the water and will more than likely make it a part of her regular routine. So that’s the trick – salt.
Yesterday I reminded everyone about how important this election is if only for your dick’s future opportunities. In case you still didn’t get the point of no pussy.
Talk to you soon!
It’s called Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl because I’m Cheryl and my phone sex prices are affordable aka cheap. Just call 1-888-669-6389. My rate is ONLY $12 for 15-Mins.