Recently I received a question regarding my 23 rule. G- wanted to know if my age requirement was arbitrary because most of phone sex companies he used allowed people 18 and older to call. Well, to chat with any of the ladies who work for me 18 is the age requirement, however, to chat with me and just me that’s when the ’23 rule’ comes into play with one exception – active duty military.
When I first started Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl most jurisdictions required one to be 18 to participate in a phone sex call, several had an age requirement of 21 and exactly 5 areas had an age requirement of 23. Without going into the legal hangups I decided to make 23 my age requirement because it covered all jurisdictions. There were a few personal reasons too. Based on my experience I found guys 18-22 tended to mismanage their money and to be quite frank I am not that interested in talking to a guy who is barely legal.
Active duty military is the exception for obvious reasons. Most guys in the service who call are calling on or near a base and those areas are almost always 18+. Also, these guys have a steady paycheck so they can afford my phone sex session and the military grows a guy up real fast which always makes the calls hot and steamy. But I digress.
So, G- I hope that answers your question.
– Cheryl
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