1. Have your credit card ready.
I take debit, credit and gift cards with the Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express logo. Remember it’s only $12 for 15-minutes and should you desire more time the cost is 80 cents/min.
2. Get nice and comfortable.
Make certain you are in a location where no one will interrupt us and you can be as loud as you want to be. Personally, I like it when you’re having fun and you aren’t shy when expressing yourself.
3. Call my toll-free number, 1-888-669-6389.
When you hear my voice don’t cum immediately. It’s ok if it happens. You’ll just have to cum twice. I suggest you save it for later, but please do enjoy the stiffening of your cock as I approve your credit card and we begin our session. The anticipation is intoxicating and can be quite sexy.
Now sit back, relax and have fun. I will be your pleasure guide throughout our phone sex call.