It never fails. Whenever I put aside time to work on my social media profiles something happens. Earlier in the month, I set aside time to work on my Facebook page and oddly enough on the day (September 22nd) I was going to go over all things Facebook my page was “unpublished” at approximately 3:04 AM. It is a cute way of saying my page has been suspended.
Well, we all know phone sex is not porn, so that isn’t the problem. And we also know I adopted a “no pink” policy years ago and incorporated that policy into all my profiles. So, nudity wasn’t an issue. What is equally frustrating is that the appeal process amounts to pushing a button and that’s about it. I found the whole thing upsetting and demoralizing. How so? You have no idea how difficult it is to run a business in this industry. Phone sex owners have the same issues as other business leaders with the added annoyance of discrimination. And, for that, we pay more in fees from hosting to merchant accounts. We’re hassled for every little thing including where we bank, what lawyers and accountants will accept our business and social media is an absolute minefield because it is constantly changing. I wouldn’t mind the changes if they weren’t unpublished. Ha! Did you see that I made a funny?
As you know I get up at o’dark thirty (that ‘o’ as in the letter, not zero …damn movie). After I feed the animals, take a walk or swim and bathe, I grab some food and sit down in front of the computer to handle my business and personal correspondence before turning on the phones. One of the reasons I need that 2-3 hour cushion is because I am one of those people. How many times have you logged on to your social media account and met with a big warning statement indicating that there is an amendment or update to the terms? Well, I am that one person out of a googol (ha! another funny) who stops what I am doing and reads it. I know. It’s sick. One day I will seek help but right now I am a little busy reading these damn conditions. So, I spent the day (and later the week) going over every inch of print regarding business owners having their pages suspended and the depths they took to get their pages reinstated. My conclusion? Fuck that!
I appealed the decision and less than 24 hours later my page was deleted! So, once my page is “unpublished” it remains unavailable to the public forever unless I appeal it. When I appeal it (which involves pushing a button and nothing more) the page is permanently deleted. Nice. So, fuck Facebook.
Update January 5, 2016. Facebook did another sex company purge yesterday. When you search ‘phone sex’ there are 5-7 items under pages.
Remember it is called Cheap Phone Sex for a reason – the price – which is always 80¢ per minute. There are no hidden fees or connection charges. You must be at least 23+ and I only accept credit cards so have it ready when you call, 1-888-669-6389. Keep the number and don’t forget the site,