Why is Memorial Day weekend considered the “unofficial” beginning of summer? Personally, I like to stick with the correct albeit pagan ritual of the Summer Equinox. That’s when I celebrate Summer. In the meantime, I take pleasure in watching my fellow Washingtonians go through the ritual of leaving the city so that they may exchange one watering hole (the bar) for another (the beach with preferably a bar).
I take pleasure in this because tons of people are leaving the beltway that means more room for me. Restaurants are less crowded and the monuments are more accessible. The only crowd I will see this weekend will be via my binoculars as I watch the spectacular fireworks.
Memorial Day weekend also marks the opening of the outdoor communal pools. I just got a flyer which states the normal stuff with something added about not being sick when entering the pool. Duh. I think this warning has something to do with the swine flu hub-bub. Correct me if I am wrong but there hasn’t been a single case of human-to-human infection. And you can not get it from eating pigs. I am at a loss. How does one get H1N1, swine flu or the more appropriately named Mexican Flue?
There seems to be a disconnect. On the one hand, some jurisdictions have either closed schools or are leaving that option on the table should any of the students come down with something, but on the other hand, the same jurisdictions are having the students swim. This is why I am a member of a country club.
Oh, that’s my phone. Talk to you soon.
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