Those of you who have not yet bookmarked my site probably had the damnedest time trying to find me, am I right? You probably typed in the name of the site, “cheap phone sex” or “cheap phone sex with Cheryl” and nothing came up except my social media links. You see Google has decided to penalize sites whose domain or URL is an “exact domain match” or EMD. At this point, I am being penalized for choosing the domain which was purchased and developed a few months after Google came out of beta. Yeah, beta! Believe me, I will have a lot more to say about this later after I stop cussing or rather cursing Google.
Apparently, there are some webmasters out there who tried to game Google and developed websites using keywords for the domain. For the record, my site pre-dates those tricks. In 2012 Google rolled out a fix promising that it affected “low quality” sites. This site was not affected by any of the updates through February 6, 2014. Made sense to me as I have never engaged in any of those black-hat tricks and while I do enjoy a hot spam sandwich every now and again, I do not spam the engines. Following my February 15th hiccup, I noticed my phone sex blog could not be found anywhere in the index. I couldn’t find Cheap Phone Sex (with Cheryl) via my name or telephone number, 1-888-669-6389.
Believe me, I will have a lot more to say about this later after I stop cussing or rather cursing Google. Right now instead of relying on search engines bookmark the site or enter the number in your cellphone without the 888 area code. Hmmm …I may need to write a post about that too.