Fuck – Marry – Baby Daddy is a spin on the game Fuck – Marry – Kill. For those unfamiliar allow me to explain, in Fuck – Marry – Kill, you name 3 people that everyone knows and ask each player, “Who would you fuck, who would you marry and who would you kill?” Match each name to the act. No repeats. Get it? Let’s try one:
That’s President Obama, President Ulysses S. Grant, and President Andrew Jackson. For me, this is an easy one. I would totally fuck Grant as he was a little wild. I would marry the POTUS because he has demonstrated through his long marriage to the First Lady that he is the “marrying kind” and I would kill Andrew Jackson (as if). Jackson lived through a number of wars with Native Americans and survived two assassination attempts. The only thing that could kill him was old age. Yeah, I pussied out of that one and you will see why in a moment.
Personally, I never liked the “kill” part of Fuck – Marry – Kill. I do not like the idea of thinking about let alone discussing (even in jest) killing another person. That’s why I believe the game is heavily focused on male participants. Not that women don’t kill. If you think about it the point of the game is to be a little raunchy and open up about the thing we don’t normally talk about – sex. As women are concerned the one thing we consider far more than men is children. Whether to have them or not, when and the question on the minds of every woman is who will be the father of our children. Which is why Fuck – Marry – Baby Daddy is a little more twisted.
A decade ago the idea of having children with someone other than your partner was still taboo. In 2015 with in vitro fertilization, donor eggs, and sperm donors, adoptions, surrogates, blended families …whew! Just about anything is possible. So, why not? Before we begin let’s pin down the definition of a baby daddy. It varies. I consider a “baby daddy” a man who at one point was involved with the hottie “baby momma” but she has moved on and he has NO CHANCE of ever rekindling that relationship again. Like how a colored that definition in a woman-positive way? Hey, it’s my blog and I can do that Ok, let’s play Fuck – Marry – Baby Daddy. Here’s a practice one …
We have President Obama, Donald Trump, and Spock. Originally I had the actual Dr. Benjamin Spock, world-renowned pediatrician, but every Trekkie fan and human with a penis assumed Spock was well Spock. So, what the hell.
This is easy. I would marry POTUS as indicated above, fuck Donald Trump because rich guys give their lovers great gifts plus I could write a book about our affair which he would pay me not to publish (win, win, win) and I would have Spock as my baby daddy because I would never have to worry about my kid when s/he visited his/her father. Get it? Here’s one more to try [insert evil laugh].
Keep in mind when you play this game more than likely you will be playing with friends who know you. So, answer the question! Of the three who would you fuck, who would you marry and who would be your baby daddy/momma: your current lover (or crush), your former lover (or ex-wife) and your first love (or ‘the one that got away’). The answers are sometimes very surprising. This is about the time when most guys ask if we could switch back Fuck – Marry – Kill. Oops!
Hey, I love playing games. Mindfucking fucking is my specialty. Just call 1-888-669-6389 for a 15-minute phone session with me, Cheryl. The price is always $12 for 15-mins. Must be 23+ to participate. Regular clients may purchase a Cheap Phone Sex Package.