‘Tis the season for good tidings, good cheer, and dubious situations. By dubious I mean that less than professional business ladies tend to set up shop this time of year brimming with thoughts of how to get rich quick with YOUR money.
To help you ferret out the shams and not get burned I have put together a few suggestions you can use when purchasing adult entertainment on-line.
Sex Tip #1: Separate Everything
For on-line purchases try using a dedicated credit card and/or checking account. Should you have an issue with a purchase, you can then easily isolate the situation without disrupting your regular in-person transactions.
A couple of years back when the internet was still very new a competitor of mine used a client’s credit card for a trip to the Bahamas. It took him about a month to figure out what had happened and I imagine a couple of years to undo the damage to his marriage.
Remember to set a low maximum limit for any account you use on-line.
Also, try to get a PO Box address for your dedicated credit card or checking account, and sign-up for a free e-mail address with Yahoo or MSN or any of the companies which offer such services.
If maintaining separate financial accounts is too much of a hassle, you may want to try using PayPal.
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