This may sound a little weird, but when calling Cheap Phone Sex make certain that the credit card you are using to purchase a phone sex call is yours. Weird, right?
Over the past week I have had a few guys call my phone sex service and without skipping a beat provide their wife or girlfriend’s credit card information. That is a big no-no.
Without getting into the specifics as to how I “scrub” (that’s what they call it) for credit card fraud, the card you use must be your own. I do not care who pays the bill as long as the credit card is legally in your name. And, yes, I check every single new credit card transaction BEFORE the phone sex session.
Now maybe you and your lover are so comfortable that you use one another’s credit cards. Great. I am happy for both of you. BUT unless your wife or girlfriend or mother or grandmother (like I said weird) are progressive, free-thinking and very, very laid back I seriously doubt that the ‘sugar momma’ in your life is OK with your purchasing phone sex on her dime. Let’s just say that it is a bad idea.
Men may not realize it but no matter how dumb, sick or scatterbrain the woman, women are like private investigators when it comes to their own credit card statements. Married ladies on joint accounts with their husbands do not fret as much unless they think he is up to no good and is about to leave the marriage. But a bitch with her own card, married or not, she is Columbo, Sherlock Holmes and the FBI all rolled into one.
Like I said – bad idea.
So, if you are brand spanking new to Cheap Phone Sex and want to purchase a call, do like all my regular phone sex callers and use your own credit card. If you do not have a credit card, purchase a prepaid card that you can get at any gas station, mall, grocery store, pharmacy or even your bank.
Cheap Phone Sex with a little attitude.
ONLY $12 for 15-Minutes. Call toll-free 1-888-669-6389.