As I indicated earlier in Cheap Phone Sex Tips, to have a pleasant phone sex experience, one needs to be in a good mood and comfortable. Once at ease, relax and have fun!
Phone sex is really that simple.
Do Your Homework.
Before calling any phone sex service, you really have to do your homework. Namely, make certain that you are only dealing with a reputable phone sex company that does not sell your personal information, secures your credit card data and NEVER attempts to solicit you by mail.
Your Information Is Secure at Cheap Phone Sex.
Cheap Phone Sex is a reputable phone sex service. Your personal information is never sold. Hell, I do not even take notes so there is nothing to sell. Your credit card information is secure. I follow strict Visa/Mastercard guidelines which state that not only is your credit card information to be encrypted but also the credit numbers can not be stored on any of my systems and they are not – ever.
Your Privacy Is Assured at Cheap Phone Sex.
I have a rule that I never contact a client. Even if we get disconnected I wait for you to call me back. I have never and will never solicit phone sex callers via telephone, email, regular mail or any other means. Bottom line: Cheap Phone Sex is an opt-in service. You contact me. It is never the other way around.
Know What You Are Getting and How It Is Billed.
Finally, know what you are getting e.g., how much phone sex time and any perks like free webcam time or pictures, how much you are paying and how the charge will show up on your check or credit card.
At Cheap Phone Sex, I keep things free and easy. The price is always 80 cents a minute. I offer phone sex minutes and your credit card is discreetly billed.
Once your credit card is approved, well, you are pretty much on your own. Each phone sex operator has her own style. When you call me at Cheap Phone Sex, know that I will guide you throughout the call.
That’s my phone. Talk to you soon.
Cheap Phone Sex
Call 1-888-669-6389.
It’s ONLY $12 for 15-Minutes.