If you have an alert set-up for your credit card or are like me and check your accounts daily, then you are intimately aware of every ‘hold’ on your credit card statement. I started micromanaging my accounts after someone obtained my card information and went on a shopping spree in London. London! I haven’t been to London since I was in diapers and I sure as hell didn’t go on a shopping spree over Memorial Day weekend. That would be un-American
Over the years I have learned that I am not the only one who is curious about the activity of my credit and bank accounts before the statements are finalized. On occasion (usually a new caller) will call back within hours and sometimes within minutes or while on the phone to inquire about the amount of the purchase. Usually, s/he will say, ”Why did you charge me X for the phone sex” at which point I explain the difference between a hold and a charge.
Most phone sex companies operate on a per-minute pricing model. So, when you call to purchase a phone sex session, how much is authorized for you to chat with the operator? 1 minute? No. Two minutes? No. Though you can see where I am going with this. Typically a card is authorized or a hold is placed on the card for the ‘average ticket’. Why is that? Well, phone sex is a pay upfront business and no one knows how much time you are going to spend on a given call. The best bet and a good rule of thumb is to authorize the average ticket and if the client needs more time a second authorization or hold is obtained.
The hold is temporary and lasts only until the funds are captured/charged or if nothing is done to the hold e.g., voided, the hold becomes null generally after 72 hours. Again, holds are something you would see if you are reviewing your accounts between statements. Think of a statement as a list of all your final charges and holds as a bookkeeping dance until everything is finalized.
I like to keep things simple which is why I will ask you at the time of purchase if you would like to be charged a flat rate of 15-mins for $12 or a 30-min call or a package deal. I prefer to obtain a hold for the exact amount I am going to ultimately charge the card. Whether you want to ‘play it by ear’ or pay a flat rate rest assured that at Cheap Phone Sex the billing is always honest and accurate. After 15-years I have yet to have a complaint.
Now, let’s talk about my favorite subject – me. It’s ONLY $12 BUCKS for 15-minutes. My phone sex number is 1-888-669-6389. Remember that number is not for questions. That’s why I have a blog. Regular clients may also purchase a package of phone sex calls.