When I was a little girl my parents taught me the value of a dollar. When shopping with my mother I was told to look for a good deal. It took me a while but for the longest time I was suckered into the phrase “as low as”. Has this ever happened to you? You walk into a store and there is a large display of something you want. From across the space you see in big, bright letters an incredibly low price whereby you can’t believe your luck. However, as you look through the merchandise you don’t see anything in that price range. At which point you read the small print. That incredibly reasonable price is “as low as”. Meaning they offered something at that rate but good luck ever getting it.
Most of these incredibly low phone sex rates that you see around the web are either chatlines which you don’t want (unless you are looking for a date and I don’t mean that kind of “date”) or special pricing that you may not get. Oh I am not suggesting that my lovely competitors are engaging in false advertising, I am simply stating that at Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl, the price of a call is ALWAYS 80¢ per minute and my phone sex prices are not part of a special that you must ask for or purchase along with something else but simply my everyday price.
If you are into quality phone sex at an inexpensive price where the billing is easy to understand AND accurate, then you know who to call.
Cheap Phone Sex with Cheryl
ONLY $12 BUCKS for 15-minutes
Each additional minute is 80¢
Call 1-888-669-6389